Our purpose is to create a sense of harmony between human-made structures and nature.
These miraculous structures bring nature back into urban environments. As the concrete jungle expands and pollution rises, the application of living green walls stands to reverse this trend. Incorporating carefully chosen selections of plants into cutting edge design, living green walls have been devised to help restore the natural balance.
Green Walls
The Chapel living walls are constructed of modular panels entirely covered by plants. They include a vertically applied growth medium such as soil in a hydroculture felt, as well as an integrated hydration and fertigation delivery system. Irrigation is automatic, a closed cycle with total retrieval of water, without any dispersion of liquid, soil or fertilizer. The system is powered by solar panels designed specifically for the structure.
Our purpose is to create a sense of harmony between human-made structures and nature.
Green walls donate nature and beauty to all environments, with the consequence of improving the esthetic aspect and visible impact above all where cement is foremost.
These miraculous structures bring nature back into urban environments. As the concrete jungle expands and pollution rises, the application of living green walls stands to reverse this trend. Incorporating carefully chosen selections of plants into cutting edge design, living green walls have been devised to help restore the natural balance.
1. Living green walls purify the air
The plants in a living significantly improve air condition. The wall filters particulate matter from the air, converting CO2 into oxygen. Only one m2 of living wall extracts 2.3 kg of CO2 per annum from the air and produces 1.7 kg of oxygen. There have been many studies which prove that plants and the microbes found in soil media absorb harmful VOC’s and convert them into a compound which plants use for food.
2. Green walls increase the feeling of well-being
The plants in a living significantly improve air condition. The wall filters particulate matter from the air, converting CO2 into oxygen. Only one m2 of living wall extracts 2.3 kg of CO2 per annum from the air and produces 1.7 kg of oxygen. There have been many studies which prove that plants and the microbes found in soil media absorb harmful VOC’s and convert them into a compound which plants use for food.
3. A living wall reduces the ambient temperature
Plants absorb sunlight. More accurately, 50% is absorbed and 30% reflected. This helps to create a cooler and more pleasant climate during summer time. For the indoor climate, this means also that 33% less air conditioning is required, which in turn means energy savings.
4. Vertical gardens reduce ambient noise
A living wall acts as a sound barrier to the building. It absorbs 41% more sound than a traditional facade and this results in a reduction up to 8 dB. Thus, the environment becomes much quieter, both inside and outside the building, with noise levels similar to those found in nature.
5. Green walls reduce stress
Living and working in a green environment has a positive effect on the well-being of people. Green offices stimulate relax by reducing stress. Blood pressure, heart activity, muscle tension, and brain activity could all be improved by viewing plants for as little as 3 to 5 minutes.
6. More social interaction, less vandalism
Working or living in a green environment brings people together. It has been demonstrated that small scale greenery, in particular, has a positive effect on social cohesion in neighbourhoods. To this regard, areas with more greenery suffer less hinder from aggression, violence, and vandalism.
A healthy relationship with creation is one dimension of overall personal conversion, which entails the recognition of our errors, sins, faults and failures, and leads to heartfelt repentance and desire to change.
Pope Francis
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