The Living Chapel

A program to greening the planet that promotes the principles of the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the Laudato Si’ Encyclical

The Living Chapel holds the sacrality of life at its core.

The Living Chapel embodies a call to hope: a hope for a world in which the sacrality of life is truly recognized and felt by every being to give rise to a kinder, more compassionate, more peaceful life.

In partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Plant for the Planet, and the Global Catholic Climate Movement, the Living Chapel will join the UN Environmental Programme’s One Trillion Tree Movement, inspiring the public to reconnect with nature and providing a vehicle for intercultural and interfaith collaboration to restore our common home through the creation of Laudato Si’ Gardens and Living Sacred Spaces.

The First Living Chapel

Inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis, and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the Living Chapel synthesizes natural, artistic, and recycled elements to create a sacred space of serene harmony.

The Future

The Living Chapel inspires and equips people to participate in the conservation and restoration of our common home in a concrete, scientifically-guided way: through the planting of trees.

The Living Chapel is truly living in an expansive sense, as it incubates thousands of trees and inspires the planting of millions more in ecologically needy areas and in new Laudato Si’ gardens around the world. In time, each of these trees will drop their own seeds, resulting, over decades, centuries, and beyond, in entire forests and potentially billions of trees all growing as a result of the Living Chapel.


The first Living Chapel features rare, forgotten, and commercially rejected plants. Our global programme fosters biodiversity around the world: we facilitate planting projects that restore forgotten and overlooked species as we work to establish and nurture richly diverse ecosystems.


Conceived through a globally harmonious collaboration between 18 countries, resulting in a space of unique harmony between music, architecture, and life, the Living Chapel invites you into an encounter of profound harmony with humanity, nature, and God.


Our mission is to unite all people around the shared value of care for our common home.

All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.

Pope Francis


The Living Chapel is more than a physical space. It is a concept, a set of ideas and principles that can be applied anywhere, by anyone.

By establishing universally applicable principles and guiding values for this new global movement, we aim to provide inspiration, guidance and support for future Laudato Si’ Gardens, Living Chapels, Living Sacred Spaces, and planting initiatives of all types, all around the world.

Join the Movement

Our mission is to unite all people around the shared value of care for our common home.


We thank the Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano for the support to the initiative
Under the patronage of the Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile - ASviS
The Living Chapel is a project of Inspired Harmony.


lead sponsor in Italy
We thank the Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano for the support to the initiative
Under the patronage of the Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile - ASviS
The Living Chapel is a project of Inspired Harmony.
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